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外观颜值:简约立体包型,利落休闲商务范儿,美观大气上档次👍🏻 材质手感:精选植鞣牛皮革面料,触感柔软舒适,手感爆棚👍🏻 容量空间:立体大容量,分层设计,布局合理,收纳有序👍🏻 做工细节:做工精致,车线精准,纹路清晰细腻,耐磨耐折,不易变形,经久耐用👍🏻 适用场合:适用场合:日常上班,逛街,出差都适宜👍🏻 其他特色:便捷拉链主袋,可拆卸挂钩,可调节肩带,精美品牌标识,顺滑品质拉链👍🏻

2024-01-31 18:40:47 -

2024-01-30 13:39:34 -

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2024-01-29 09:19:30 -

300x200mm Single-Sided Copper Clad Laminate PCB Circuit Board FR


* Great for building a prototype of an electronic circuit, single side copper PCB.

* Mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate.

* This product is widely used in product development, DIY experiments, maintenance, production, etc.

* Note: The product length tolerance is +/-3mm, the width tolerance is +/-2mm.


* Product Name: PCB Copper Clad Board

* Dimension : 300x200mm / 11.81x7.87 inch(L*W)

* Material : FR4 Glass Fiber; Copper

Thickness : approx. 1.2mm

Color: Copper Tone

Package content:

1pcs x Copper PCB Board

Note: The product may be slightly scratched or dirty during transportation, which will not affect its use.

Tags:$0 - $20,Circboard Prototyping Boards,Electrical,Electronic Components,Electronics,Industrial Electrical,Interfaces,Others,PC Board,PCB Boards & Accessories,Prototyping Boards,Semiconductor,Semiconductor Products

Title - Default Title

white.strilol.com Reviews:
- United States

women.fivemarket.net Reviews:
Horns up go rams
- United States

white.sneatony.com Reviews:
Thatamp;apos;s great! Exquisite workmanship! Thanks!
- France

list.heipola.com Reviews:
Great quality top, well impressed
- United Kingdom

tee.teacheasts.com Reviews:
Always really good service and very helpful and great quality! :amp;#41;
- United Kingdom

sale.easeet.com Reviews:
amazing quality i always use this seller very trustworthy and top quality kits thanks again
- United States

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